Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Open Letter to Our Favorite Calrissian

Dear Lando,

Listen, I keep getting humped by Tae Nunb. Where'd you find this moof milker, anyway?

Remember that last buddy of yours I saved from Imperial prison? Well, after that job, I realized you'd slipped me 185 Gunslinger holos this month. Sounds fair, right? Errr, here's what those contraband crates got me:

4* Event Crystal x2
4* Defense Crystal x3
5* Desh x2
5* Noble Crystal
4* Syndicate Crystal
4* Weapon Crystal
7* Desh

aaaaaand 1 lousy fragment of a dead Purge Trooper's helmet. Who I probably killed, by the way.

I thought Numb Numb's business was rare  goods. By rare, I guess he means bloody. Bloody awful.  I mean, I'd score better swag by wandering down some dark alley in Mos Eisley. You know the kind.

Anyway, I'm not pulling off any more prison breaks until the payoff makes this Twi'lek squee.

But seriously. I'm through, Lando. My time's worth more than Tae Nunb can cough up. He knows I'm a Warrior for every faction in this sector, right? What a piece of desh.


You're still my favorite Calrissian, but c'mon.


  1. Sadly that one purge helm fragment is the last piece I cannot seem to get.
    One mans trash is just one mans trash without a game economy...

  2. Slumpert, if I could give it to you, I would bud. I've a load of rando shards with no hope of ever completing even one piece of gear, let alone a set. You'd think Purge shards or -- oh no! -- even full pieces of Purge gear would begin to randomly appear in Imp Op crates at this point, right? Great way to re-incentivize SB play, right? No and no. The math on your last post is exactly right, however. Kabam has checked out for awhiles.
