Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Fragged: Heroic Raids & Grinding For Gear

After venting for several days about an array of subjects, I thought I might actually post something useful to gameplay. Call me a pragmatist, what can I say? One significant issue that will arise for many KoB members -- if it hasn't already -- is the grind for that first piece of Raid gear.

You may ask, well, Zoj, why the hell even bother with a mind-numbingly repetitive grind for Raid gear? Well, the quick and dirty answer is PR. Consider the comparison below. Thanks to a friend, Commander Aiea Thullett:

The Uprising Enforcer Legs that Aiea has equipped easily overshadow my Sab Legs. That's +1468 PR! You'll also note that the Uprising Enforcer gear, like the standard T1 Enforcer gear, grants a Melee Damage bonus, which proves especially useful for anyone who carries a lightsaber and plans to use it.

Obviously, a higher PR will allow you to not only run deeper into the Heroic Raid map, but also, and more importantly, surpass the 27,000 PR cap for the Heroic Bonus Node missions that yield guaranteed fragments. When you finally grind these guaranteed fragment missions, full pieces of gear will add up quickly. Aiea is the perfect example, who has practically a full set of Enforcer gear equipped.

The question, then, is how to earn that first piece of Raid gear. While I'm still in the hunt for that elusive first piece, I do have a general plan of attack, which I'd like to share. Hopefully, it will help you formulate your own. Let's look at the present Heroic Raid map on Hoth for a moment:

That glowing Bonus Node reads 42 seconds left on the timer. I took this screenshot after completing 3 Bonus attack runs. If you're quick about it, you should be able to run 4 in total. Since there are 4 drops per run, that means each time a Bonus Node is triggered you have 16 chances at a fragment drop. So far, I've triggered this node twice. My luck is awful, however. I'm 1 for 32. Yes, 1 shard out of 32 chances so far. Whew. That said, my luck was much better on the previous map. I'm two shards away from two different pieces of Uprising Enforcer gear.

But let's back up a bit. I triggered the Bonus Node both times without trying to do so. On this map, the northernmost node, The Ravine, boasts a 20% Bonus Mission Chance:

This percentage is the best that I can run at my current PR. So, what's a Zoj to do? The attack plan:

1. Finish every Heroic Raid Node possible with earned Raid Points, which includes the Question Mark Nodes.

2. While doing so, collect as much chromium as possible.

3. Rerun The Ravine repeatedly with earned Raid Points to trigger the Bonus Node. Again, the chance to trigger is 20% or 1-in-5.

4. When Raid Points are no longer available to earn, spend chromium to rerun The Ravine to trigger the Bonus Node.

5. Each time the Bonus Node triggers, run at least 4 missions for 16 chances at frag drops.

6. Rinse and repeat with each new Raid Map in the sector.

Finally, there is the matter of spending chromium. I do not suggest that anyone spend real money, since you'd spend money only to earn the chance for a fragment drop, which is crazy!  I might feel differently for guaranteed drops.

To earn chromium, level up useless gear and run Daily Opportunity missions offered by Soussho. Remember, Soussho shows up for you and  for any of your Alt Heroes with whom you share chromium and scrip. Also, Crew Runs often allow you to earn chromium, so keep your eyes open.

Obviously, chromium's rare, so use it only to earn your preferred gear.  Personally, I'm saving chromium to grind future Raid Maps. I've never been keen on Commando gear.

There you have it. My attack plan. The first piece of Raid Gear will prove a genuine pain in the ass to finally get, I'm sure. But, to do so will open up new gameplay opportunities. So, good hunting!

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