Monday, September 19, 2016

Message of the Day

Despite a number of members on the shelf this SB -- myself included, for the most part -- we ranked 88th and secured Major Influence on BKonn once again. Great fight, everyone! As always, enjoy the buffs while you can.

Since the first IB of each cycle occurs on the previous SB planet, we'll have to defend our influence sooner rather than later. Consult the schedule in the sidebar and keep your eyes open. As it turns out, that schedule is, unfortunately, only a guesstimate.

The bad news is that we lost yet another SB. As per my previous posts about Raids, I'm fairly certain that Kabam doesn't have the resources at hand to do anything about these consistent losses, but one can at least hope that they've put the problem on their ever-growing To Do list. Member Slumpert -- sorry, Super  Member Slumpert -- recently posted on the forums that it will take 3 1/2 years to collect 10 8* event crystals. And that's at 31K PR. In other words, Kabam has to step up and make some changes to the game at some point. It's not like we can't do the math.

Speaking of which, in a late August post titled "Force Powers Update," I noted that Kabam Support said to keep "an eye out for in-game announcements as more information about changes to the game should be coming soon." This reply, given 3 weeks ago, was specifically about Kabam's review of abilities, although it does suggest that other broad based changes may occur with an update. Keep your eyes open for this, too.

So, you know, the message of the day is basically stay awake, people! 

Good hunting!

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