Monday, August 22, 2016

Much Ado About Lando

While I keep hearing from players -- both in our cartel and on the forums -- that the Lando missions are essentially useless for higher level players, I still run them regularly, if only to make Kabam feel a tad better about their fairly obvious attempt to freshly incentivize the daily ops and assaults that trigger these missions for our formerly favorite Calrissian. I ran a Lando mission tonight and realized afterwards that I had accumulated 120 Gunslinger Rewards without bothering to use any of them! Lando gets the shit end of the proverbial stick in this case, though, since it's Tae Nunb's contraband crates that, even at the high end, are full of meh.

More important than my own dissatisfaction with the Gunslinger drops is my newfound appreciation for video. Which is as much to say, I recorded my Lando mission, which I've posted below. I'm doing so for a number of reasons, but mostly to demonstrate to players how effectively Force Powers can work together. Again, my Jedi build: Dark Poison 2, Malicious Fury 2, Deceptive Leap 2, Debris Barrier 1, and Hit & Run 2.

In the comments section of a previous post on Force Powers, I was asked specifically about how much damage Malicious Fury does and, additionally, about the effectiveness of Debris Barrier. As for the former question, I haven't a clue! You'll note, though, that Malicious Fury briefly interrupts enemies while doing damage. More to the point, the more enemies there are in melee range, the more damage the power inflicts. This is uniquely different than other standard Self abilities, such as Armor Piercing. As for Debris Barrier, well, a picture paints a thousand wows. I've used this Force Power for awhile now and, while it doesn't make one immune to stun or knockback, I've yet to take a point of damage from any attack while Debris Barrier is engaged. What's more, you can clearly see that it does a significant deal of damage in its own right. I plan to invest in Rank 2 sooner rather than later.

Good hunting!

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