Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Force Powers, Part 2

I've used Force Powers for months now. I can't remember how long ago, for example, I first invested in Deceptive Leap 2. In the main, I used it with an Attacker build as an alternative to Rank 3 Holographic Decoy. As an Attacker, I also used Rank 3 HoB (Hold Out Blaster) and whatever Self ability suited the particular mission. As for my Ultimate Ability, I used Rank 3 Think Fast, which is fantastic.  At some point, however, I grew tired of carrying a Riposte blade and never  using it. I wanted to play true melee, rather than blast opponents from a distance. And, as I suggested in my "Melee v. Tank" post, I also understood that, to do so, I needed to rethink all of the tactics I used as an Attacker. In short, I hoped that Force Powers would allow me to do so. And they did. 

My next Force Power was Malicious Fury, which, by itself, stinks. The power saps the will of nearby enemies, which increases damage dealt based on the number of enemies drained. Rank 2 increases the damage enhancement duration by 50%. Malicious Fury lives up to its name when used in conjunction with a power like Deceptive Leap, however. I jumped behind opponents, usually two or three of them, initiated Malicious Fury, and then unloaded with HoB 3. The problem with this tactic, of course, is that HoB 3 works best ranged, rather than up close and personal. Therefore, I needed a Directional Ability that worked in this way. 

At about this time in the game, I'd finally earned a lightsaber and, shortly after leveling it up, I invested in Rank 2 Dark Poison, a Directional Ability that not only does more damage than HoB 3 per second, but also works in the opposite way. On the one hand, HoB 3 has great range, but the cone of damage isn't particularly wide. On the other hand, Dark Poison 2 lacks great range, but the cone of damage is tremendously wide. Suddenly, Malicious Fury looked like a brilliant move. Deceptive Leap, Malicious Fury, and Dark Poison all worked very well in conjunction with one another since all of them required "nearby enemies." And, of course, I started using Standard Attacks with the lightsaber as well. Whatever my melee build was ultimately going to look like, I'd finally moved away from Attacker.

Here is my current Ability Set 1:

My Jedi Build?
For the majority of the first Raids on Burnin Konn, I continued to use Rank 3 Think Fast as my Ultimate Ability. It worked very well with Self, Directional, and Targeted Force Powers. So did Rank 2 Hit and Run, which not only increases movement speed after defeating an enemy, but also increases energy gain while moving. This is ideal for a melee build, since you have to run around, a lot! 

As I mentioned in the "Melee v. Tank" post, you generally take more damage as a melee player. For an Ultimate Ability, I wanted to rectify this problem. Hence, Rank 1 Debris Barrier, which creates whirling debris that both defensively absorbs attacks and offensively damages opponents at a per second rate. Rank 1 lasts for roughly 10 seconds, which is usually more than ample. Importantly, Debris Barrier also allows me to use Standard Attacks with the lightsaber after initiating Malicious Fury. This combination is deadly to every nearby enemy.  None of this works while blasting away at a distance with HoB. My attack lines are usually variations on Leap to Fury to Poison to Hit and Run to repeat. For confrontations with so many different dangerous Bosses, Debris Barrier works brilliantly up close and personal.   

I hope I've suggested that these Force Powers work more effectively in conjunction with one another. But they also work because I've committed myself to a Melee Build -- or, as Winter would have us call it, a Jedi Build -- which requires very aggressive gameplay. With that said, here's a quick list of pros and cons to each Force Power.

Rank 2 Deceptive Leap
Pros: Moderate cooldown, effectively deceives most enemies, leap distance and position controllable
Cons: Slight hesitation after leap achieved, holographic decoy duration shorter than Rank 3

Rank 2 Malicious Fury
Pros: Moderate cooldown, massive damage increase with many nearby enemies, interrupts enemies, moderate duration 
Cons: Does not work on droids

Rank 2 Dark Poison
Pros: Nearly 1000 damage per second more than HoB and Durasteel, poisons enemies for a long duration, weakens enemies, wide damage cone 
Cons: Short range, droids immune to weaken effect  

Rank 1 Debris Barrier
Pros: Absorbs all attacks for a moderate duration, massive damage per second to nearby enemies 
Cons: Does not generate Ultimate Energy when active 

So there you have it, my Jedi Build as it currently stands. If I can ever figure out how to post video of missions, then you'll be the first to know! In the meantime, if you want to see how these powers can work together in real time, just shout when you see me online. We can run a mission together. 

Until then, good hunting. 


  1. Love your blog posts :D

    Interested reading about your use of force skills. They do seem somewhat awkward to use to me, though some of them seem like they'd maybe work together, it's just so expensive to test. The 'challenge' to me is that most of us were using a skill setup that involves the directional as the main damage move, the self as a damage -boosting- move, and either a remote damage (grenade) or maneuvering skill as the directional. Some force skills 'fit in' with that model, some don't. The ones that do are easiest to blend with other skills.

    Deceptive leap is nice as it fits in as a sort of holo decoy/charge hybrid. I -like- it a lot and it has really nice damage suppression overall. That said I'm not currently using it often, but I do occasionally.

    Dark poison you discussed, and I agree! It really only has one drawback - range. As both Zoj and Winter Vos have noted, kabam hates melee ;) It has traditionally seemed like most bosses you needed to stay at range and kite. But any time you can fight up close, DP (plus saber melee) rips off huge damage.

  2. I've actually, on non boss missions, but using mainly charge 3 + DP 2 (charge 2 would have the same key benefits). I'm also using mainly purge gear. Against normal (even tough) runs, there's some synergy there. From a fighting standpoint, its obvious (and fun) lots of charge with low cooldown flying at enemies to pound them at close range with melee/DP. But the synergy is on the bonuses. DP 2 weakens targets, while charge 2 armors me, combined with the damage suppression on purge gear means i'm really cutting down the amount of damage normal attacks are doing.

    Rather then spam messages all over the place, I'll also odd here, though unrelated, that with regards to 'attack' builds using HoB, I strongly recommend the once popular (last fall, before gimp) overcharged at level 3 with HoB 3. Overcharged terrifyingly cuts energy in half, but critically does not cut energy -regen- in half. What it means is you can't sit there holding your directional down, you need to move and fire bursts. Which you should be doing anyway! Multiple times I've told people dying on levels to switch out relentless and use overcharged. The former encourages sitting around being hit, the latter encourages hit n run (more than the hit n run skill even!). with HoB 3's reduced energy needs, you have plenty of energy even with overcharged, and a 40% damage boost really makes its damage bite into enemies.

  3. Okay, questions:
    - how good is the damage boost on malicious fury? berserk is a 25% damage boost (plus a speed boost for melee). Vs troopers i'd suggest AP 3 is in the low 30's with sab/tie gear, and closer to high 30's otherwise. Before they ruined concentration 3.0 on me, it was better then that with tie gear. Where does malicious fury stack up? The damage it does seems to me not worth it given the ease of use (as in, negative, i'd rather hit AP or berserk BEFORE I hit a wave). That said if the damage boost is as good or better, I'd be very tempted to buy MF3 to use with DP2 for the 'pull in' ability.

    Ultimates: Very excited to read about your positive experiences with Debris barrier. I've been playing with ultimates recently. Powerful bosses have been pushing me towards using an 'attack' vs 'jedi' build. Which I hate. I'm half willing to throw an ultimate skill on just in case there's a boss. Most attack types use intimidate, but as you have probably found, intimidate isnt' great with DP/saber because the target runs around too much! I'm about to experiment with cyro 3 instead. But if debris barrier will let me go directly at the nastiest of bosses, i'm very very interested.

    Think fast is quite nice, but more for a run speed boost. I've actually been playing around with knuckles 2 (don't have 3) on jedi ability setup - it's another get in and beat 'em up up close skill.

  4. Final note: I have the following rank 3 skills, if you don't and want to know anything about them, feel free to ask:
    Charge, berserk, AP, HoB, streetwise, overcharge, Think fast, exploit weakness, concentration, HnR, Self preservation, Cyro grenade, Durasteel, incendiary
