Friday, July 22, 2016

Hoth Imperial Sector Battle Today

See this guy? He's laughing at us. On the inside. 
At the time of writing this post, there's an Imperial Sector Battle imminent, as well as a full 24 hour Sector Battle on the horizon. I thought a brief note on these battles was in order, since, interestingly, they're out of order.

Usually, we see an Imp SB trigger just after a full SB on any given planet. Our recent time on BKonn attests to that! Today, however, we've got an Imp SB first, which isn't as crucial when it precedes a full SB. However, many of you have received 4* Event Crystals from the Lando Missions, and this Imp SB offers us the opportunity to rake in a few more.

What's most important is winning the overall battle. Why, you ask? Freedom Rating.

A planet's Freedom Rating is listed on the map, just under the planet name, in green. So, Hoth has a 10/20 Freedom Rating. While I'll post in the future on Freedom Rating and its importance at length, suffice it to say that the higher the rating, the better our rewards. When we lose a SB, the Freedom Rating goes down and, of course, our rewards take a hit.

This is as much to say that, sure, this Imp SB can yield some cool rewards right now, but, if we look at the bigger picture, a dominant win in this Imp SB will bolster the Freedom Rating of Hoth and result in better rewards for everyone down the road.

I'll post again soon on the upcoming full SB.

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