Thursday, July 21, 2016

7* Kouhun Gear Set Offer

Everyone should have received the following in their inbox today:

If you're unaware, Kabam offered random players a 7* set of Sab gear and 20 pieces (if memory serves) of 7* desh for the low, low cost of 1200 chromium.

Of course, many veteran players never received this offer and, O boy, did they cry about it in the forums. Thus, we received the above message. Kabam is apparently doing their best to appease their veteran base, the majority of whom already have 7* gear and didn't actually need this offer.

In any event, this development not only helps the veterans who have been playing from Day 1, but it also helps us.

Many of our members are still grinding for that first piece of 7* gear. Well, I took advantage of this offer, and I know at least one other of our members did, too. Now that you're guaranteed the offer, my advice is to take it! It just so happened that I had a stash of chromium handy.

Now, caveat emptor: The 7* desh that comes with the offer is nowhere near enough to max out all five pieces of Sab gear. What's more, I easily spent 12mm credits maxing out two pieces of 7* gear in roughly sixty seconds. Just because you buy this gear, in other words, doesn't mean you'll instantly jump to 23,000+ PR. You'll have to grind for credits and desh. Suddenly, the Lando Missions are fantastic!

For me, this offer importantly bumped my PR over 18,000, which allowed me to run the final Lightsaber mission. But that's another post for another time.

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