Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cartel Championship Cycle 3 Rewards & Cartel Rank

At the end of each month, the top cartels in the game are given awards. We ranked 143 on the global Leaderboard this past cycle, which earned us 5 Guaranteed 5-Star Purge Armor fragments. Which, all things considered, isn't bad. In fact, last cycle was the first time Knights of Bail ranked in the top 150. So, let me take this opportunity to congratulate everyone. Imp armor fragments might not amount to much at the moment, but we've certainly earned the right to take pride in the accomplishment!

That said, take a look at the award tiers for this past cycle:

Note that the top 50 cartels raked in serious rewards. Now, while those top 50 cartels are peopled by mostly veteran players -- Beta Players, I tend to call them, since they generally began playing with Uprising's release -- I think we've got a legitimate chance to crack the top 50. To do so, however, we've got to share that common goal.

Which means, of course, we'll need to earn as much CXP as possible. Many cartels demand that players run all of their daily missions, or else run the risk of getting kicked. I don't personally subscribe to that approach. Real life too often gets in the way.

I do believe, however, that if we pull together as a group, with a common mindset to run as many missions as we can, both for our own benefit and for that of the cartel, we'll continue to rise in the global ranks.

We began this month with a bang, starting off at rank 63. With the release of 3.0, we've slipped to 90. A number of members have experienced technical issues with the update, which comes as no surprise, and in turn our CXP numbers aren't quite as robust as they should be, given the great grinders we've got in our crew. My hope is that we can fight our way through the top 100 ranks for the remainder of this month, which will set us up nicely to give the top 50 a run next month.

Good hunting, everyone!

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